This summer’s action heroes

My co-worker calls me shallow because my first criteria for a good movie is the leading man needs to be good looking. Hell, scrape that, the leading man needs to be drop dead gorgeous. I admit that shamelessly. Hey, I’m paying to watch the movie, right? Naturally I want to see someone whom I most likely would not ever get to see in real life!

This summer, like every summer, will be filled with action-packed, star-studded movies. First we have Iron Man 2, then Robin Hood, followed by Prince of Persia… I already saw the dashing Tony Stark, and I’m really really looking forward to seeing Prince of Persia. Robert Downey Jr. is really hot, nobody can deny that, yes? Jake Gyllenhaal, on the other hand, is not my usual idea of an action hero. I don’t even normally think that he’s handsome. But after watching the trailer for the movie, I’m totally convinced that he makes a great action star. I can’t wait to see it!

And here is the list of this summer’s action heroes:

You can totally tell who I really dislike. ;p

~ by huinee on May 8, 2010.

3 Responses to “This summer’s action heroes”

  1. who’s the guy at bottom left? doesnt look hot to me 😛

  2. Bradley Cooper….ok la, not too bad. He was pretty good in The Hangover. You should see it, it’s hilarious!

  3. oh… that show.
    not very interested though. you should put donnie yen ma! 😛

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